I've caught a lot of grief from "militia" types when I explain that "the militia" is organized through the government, not just a bunch of wannabee bubbas playing army on the weekend at Jerry's peanut farm on the weekends. A few states actually have active militias already. Texas, Oregon are a couple that I know of. I wish every state had at least a vetted skeleton organization for a self-defense force so a legit militia could be spun up in an emergency. Back when Oath Keepers was legit, they had a good plan of local groups to support the Sheriiff, National Guard etc during emergencies but they devolved into... something else...
I'll always recommend gun owners attend Small Arms Firing School at Camp Perry over whatever happens at Jerry's peanut farm - with possible exception if Jerry's last name happens to be Creed.
Yes. Senior Army leadership has allowed this to slip and every formal study evaluating Soldier marksmanship skill indicates a steady decline since World War 2. It's not for lack of resources as the existing time and ammo currently allocated are sufficient to get a better result.
I've caught a lot of grief from "militia" types when I explain that "the militia" is organized through the government, not just a bunch of wannabee bubbas playing army on the weekend at Jerry's peanut farm on the weekends. A few states actually have active militias already. Texas, Oregon are a couple that I know of. I wish every state had at least a vetted skeleton organization for a self-defense force so a legit militia could be spun up in an emergency. Back when Oath Keepers was legit, they had a good plan of local groups to support the Sheriiff, National Guard etc during emergencies but they devolved into... something else...
I'll always recommend gun owners attend Small Arms Firing School at Camp Perry over whatever happens at Jerry's peanut farm - with possible exception if Jerry's last name happens to be Creed.
Cool website
We all should be worried that the Army is unable to properly train its soldiers in the most important skill a soldier must have.
Yes. Senior Army leadership has allowed this to slip and every formal study evaluating Soldier marksmanship skill indicates a steady decline since World War 2. It's not for lack of resources as the existing time and ammo currently allocated are sufficient to get a better result.